Wednesday, May 30, 2007



The potency of a homeopathic remedy is its strength. Potencies range usually from 3x or 3c progressively up to M, CM, and LM potencies. When self-prescribing without the benefit of professional advice, use lower potencies like 12c.

Remedies are available in tiny round sugar pellets or globules and tablets made of sucrose or lactose. For those oversensitive to a tiny amount of sucrose or lactose, remedies can be ordered in liquid form containing alcohol. For those avoiding even small amounts of alcohol or sugar, LM potencies must be used, but these must be prepared in liquid form by a very knowledgable homeopath.

Taking the remedy:

Try not touch the pellets as they can be antidoted by something you've touched earlier. First, pour them into the cap or the extra cap found inside the tube. Then, pour these into your mouth and under your tongue and allow them to slowly dissolve there.

Adults: Take 4 pellets.

Children: Give 3 pellets under the tongue or crush them in a clean paper and pour into mouth.

Infants: Dissolve 3 pellets in 1/2 glass of water and give two teaspoons as prescribed.


- Homeopathic Remedy Antidotes -

Homeopathic remedies are essentially vibrational medicine, and they are easily overwhelmed by other strong material vibrations.

Try to avoid anything with coffee flavor, mint, camphor, menthol, large quantities of caffeine, or chamomile externally or internally. For example: avoid mint flavored toothpastes, chewing gums, and mouthwashes (mint and menthol); menthol lozenges and candies; coffee, even decaffeinated or coffee flavored ice cream or candies. If you must have caffeine get it from tea or caffinated soda. Avoid Noxema products and Tiger Balm (camphor); etc. Try also to avoid very strong aromatics or toxic odors like eucalyptus, wintergreen, peppermint, essential oils like patchouli, strong perfumes, strong after-shave and soap, smelly chemicals, moth-balls. If you drink alcohol, avoid extremes. If you smoke marijuana, try to avoid it during treatment because it is a high and aromatic. Do not place your remedies in close contact with magnets. It is best to avoid drugging of any kind, but especially steroids and opiates. These can overpower and antidote your remedy. If you will not or cannot avoid these factors, it is best to use LM potencies.

Much to my amazement very few homeopathic practitioners or the pharmacies that sell homoeopathic remedies give patients correct or thorough information for taking homeopathic remedies. This leaves most homeopathic users unaware that they may be unknowingly blowing their remedies, that is stopping their action by antidoting them with common substances without even knowing it.

When to take the remedy:

Whenever possible take a remedy at bedtime, as the body is at rest. During the day try to take the remedy away from meals, at least 1/2 hour before eating, and at least one hour after eating because while the body is busy digesting food there can be a digestive upset with certain remedies. In an acute case, such as an injury, take the remedy immediately no matter when you have eaten. The mouth should also be free of any strong tastes. You may drink liquids shortly before and after taking a remedy. If you are taking a remedy several times a day, try to schedule some of the doses before bed, upon waking and during the day.

Homeopathic Recovery:

According to Hering's homeopathic "law of cure," in the course of cure during homeopathic treatment, the symptoms improve from the inside outward, from above downwards, from the most vital to the less vital organs, and in the reverse order of their original onset of appearance. The vital force, energy, and the most commonplace symptoms such as general emotions, improve before physical symptoms. It is common during homeopathic treatment for the earlier suppressed symptoms to reappear briefly. This is actually beneficial because the re-emergence of old symptoms shows that they are no longer suppressed and can indicate the original factors of the recent illness and be treated. The chronic longstanding symptoms take longer to cure than recent and acute maladies.

How Long to Take a Remedy:

As long as the symptoms persist the remedy should be taken providing that some changes are beginning to happen.

When to Stop or Change the remedy:

While the remedy is acting on your symptoms, you do not repeat the dosage. You must wait to take the next dose until the remedy has stopped acting (that is, when you experience the dip). If your symptoms disappear, you do not need the remedy any longer. If the symptoms change, you may need a different remedy. You must therefore become aware of what is going on in your body. So, be more aware than usual. This is not the usual pill-popping.

When the symptoms are cured, stop taking the remedy. If the symptoms change, change to another remedy according to the new symptoms. If a remedy doesn't help your symptoms it will not hurt you, but if within a day or two there is no improvement at all try a different appropriate remedy.

Orthodox/Allopathic Medical Drugs and Homeopathy:

Homeopathic remedies do not undermine the action of drugs or interact with them. On the other hand drugs may neutralize homeopathic remedies, most especially steroids such as Cortisone and Prednisone.

Self Prescribing Considerations and
The Importance of Modalities

There are so many homeopathic remedies for each disorder, that simply looking for "PAIN" will not find the most closely matching remedy for your specific pain. The fact that your ailment hurts is not sufficient to tell you which remedy to use. But the modalities of the pain – the kind of pain it is, where the pain is, and when it hurts most – will help enormously. These are some of the factors you need to address. For example: if the pain pulsates and burns in your leg in addition to having certain modalities such as worse on the left side and in the evening and better from cold applications, then you will be able to find the most curative remedy for your leg pain.

Modalities are always very important factors in choosing the most closely matching homeopathic remedy to the totality of the simillimum. They can be the deciding factors between several remedies which may be strongly indicated. Modalities are the modifying influences and circumstances which either ameliorate (influences which make the symptoms of a condition feel better), or aggravate (influences which make the symptoms of a condition feel worse). Modalities include many factors and stimuli as perceived by the patient. Modalities may have to do with temperature, weather, climate, movement, activity, time, right and left side, sensations, physical contact, foods, drinks, etc. They are the sensory manner and mode of how the symptoms are felt by the individual, and they are a most important criterion in choosing the right remedy.

Examples of the Disorders & Diseases that Homeopathy can improve or cure:

Acute Diseases & Disorders

  • Injuries & Accidents such as:
    • Sports related injuries
    • Pain
    • Strains
    • Sprains
    • Fractures
    • Blows & Concussion
    • Dislocations
    • Herniated Discs
    • Crushed Fingers & Toes,
    • Torn Ligaments & Tendons
    • Burns
    • Bruises
    • Cuts & Lacerations
    • Puncture Wounds
    • Black Eye
    • Nosebleeds
    • Emergencies
  • Acute Diseases such as:
    • Influenza
    • Colds
    • Coughs
    • Earaches
    • Fever
    • Sore Throats
    • Bell's Palsy
    • Dengue Fever
    • Surgery
    • Adverse Reactions to drugs and vaccinations
  • Acute Problems from: Insects, Animals, and Plants
    • Stings, Bites, Poison Ivy or Poison Oak
  • Sudden Problems from:
    • Trauma
    • Grief
    • Shock
    • Food Poisoning & Dysentery
    • Travel, Motion & Altitude Sickness
    • Violence

Chronic Disorders & Diseases such as:

  • Addictions to Alcohol & Drugs
  • Allergies, Hypersensitivity, M.C.S.
  • Anxiety/Fear/Phobias
  • Arthritis, Rheumatism
  • Asthma
  • Back Problems
  • Bladder and Kidney Problems
  • Bone Problems
  • Bowel and Rectum Problems
  • Candida, Yeast Infections
  • Chronic Fatigue and Immune Disorders
  • CFIDS (CFS & M.E.)
  • Dental and Mouth Problems
  • Depression
  • Ear and Hearing Problems
  • Eye and Vision Problems
  • Female Problems:
    • Menstrual
    • Menopause
  • Gastric Disorders
  • Gulf War Sickness
  • Headaches, Migraine
  • Herpes Virus Eruptions, Shingles
  • HIV, and diseases related to AIDS & ARC
  • Insomnia & Sleep Problems
  • Joint, Muscle and Nerve Problems
  • Liver Problems
  • Lymes disease
  • Malaria
  • Male Problems
  • Mental & Emotional Problems
  • Motor and Sensory Disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Nose and Sinus Problems
  • Paralysis
  • Pregnancy, problems during & lactation
  • Repetitive Stress Injury
    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Skin Disorders
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Throat and Vocal Problems
  • Vertigo
  • Etcetera!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007



Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Liver Enlargement, Hypertrophy, Jaundice, Hepatitis, Gall Stones

Bryonia. [Bry]

Doses- Potency 30;200 : 4-5 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed

When there are stitching pains in the right hypochondriac region, Bryonia is the first remedy to be thought of, though for these pains we have other remedies, such as Chelidonium and Kali carbonicum. Under Bryonia the liver is swollen, congested and inflamed; the pains in the hypochondriac region are worse from any motion, and better from lying on the right side, which lessens the motion of the parts when breathing . It is one of the chief remedies for jaundice brought on by a fit of anger. Chamomilla has this symptom, but the Chamomilla patient gets hot and sweats, while the Bryonia patient is apt to be chilly, though he appears hot. There is a bitter in the mouth and the stools are hard and dry, or , if loose, papescent and profuse and associated with a colic. Berberis has stitching pains from the liver to the umbilicus. Chelidonium is distinguished by the character of the stools. Bryonia is pre-eminently a gastro-hepatic remedy, and has pain in right shoulder,giddiness, skin and eyes slightly yellow. Hughes says it hardly reaches true hepatitis.

Mercurius. [Merc]

Dose- Potency-6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .

This remedy has much sensitiveness and dull pain in the region of the liver; the patient cannot lie on the right side. The liver is enlarged. The skin and conjunctiva are jaundiced. The stools are either clay-colored from absence of bile, or yellowish-green bilious stools passed with a great deal of tenesmus. There is a yellowish white coated tongue which takes the imprint of the teeth and there is a foetid breath, loss of appetite and depression of spirits. Leptandra has aching and soreness in the region of the liver and is especially indicated in the lazy livers of city men; but is distinguished from Mercurius in the stools, which are pitchlike and black, accompanied with no tenesmus, but rather a griping and the pains of Leptandra are dull, aching and burning in the posterior part of the liver. The character of the diarrhoea will also distinguish Mercurius from Magnesia muriatica, which is useful in the enlarged livers of puny and rachitic children. Mercurius is the remedy for jaundice arising from abuse of quinine when fever is present. It is a splendid remedy for "torpid liver." It suits well simple jaundice in children. Cowperthwaite believes that, as a rule, Mercurius dulcis 2X is the most effective preparation of mercury in catarrhal jaundice.

Podophyllum. [Podo]

Dose- Potency-Tincture;6x; 30;200;1M : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice daily.The 200th and 1000th seem to do good work in cholera infantum,when indicated.

The principal use of Podophyllum is in liver affections. Primarily, it induces a large flow of bile, and, secondarily, great torpidity, followed by jaundice. It is indicated in torpid or chronically congested liver, when diarrhoea is present. The liver is swollen and sensitive, the face and eyes are yellow and there is a bad taste in the mouth. The tongue is coated white or yellow and the bile may form gall stones. There is a loose watery diarrhoea, or if constipation be present the stools are clay-called. It somewhat resembles Mercurius; it is sometimes called "vegetable mercury." There are a number of drugs having the symptom that the tongue takes the imprint of the teeth, namely; Mercurius, Podophyllum, Yucca, Stramonium, Rhus and Arsenic. Another symptom of Podophyllum is that the patient constantly rubs the region of the liver with the hand. Functional torpor of the portal system and the organs connected there with indicates Podophyllum. There is constipation, clay-colored stool, jaundice and langour.

Chelidonium. [Chel]

Dose- Potency – Tincture;3x;6x : 8-10 granules of 3x;6x or 15 drops of tincture twice daily till amelioration is noticed.

The liver symptoms of Chelidonium are very prominent. There is soreness and stitching pains in the region of the liver, but the keynote for this drug in hepatic diseases is a pain under the angle of the right shoulder blade, which may extend to the chest, stomach, or hypochondrium; there is swelling of the liver, chilliness, fever, jaundice, yellow coated tongue, bitter taste and a craving for acids and sour things, such as pickles and vinegar. The stools are profuse, bright yellow and diarrhoea; they may be clayey in color. It is remedy to be used in simple biliousness and jaundice, and in hepatic congestion or inflammation the character of the stools will distinguish Bryonia.Chelidonium is perhaps our greatest liver remedy; it causes the liver to secrete thinner and more profuse bile than any remedy; it is a useful remedy to promote the expulsion of gall stones, and to prevent their formation. It was Rademacher's great remedy for gall stones, and Cowperthwaite finds it his best remedy. In simple catarrhal jaundice it is often all sufficient. It affects the left lobe of the liver much less than does Carduus marianus.

Digitalis. [Dig]

Dose- Potency- 3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.

When jaundice arises from cardiac diseases, Digitalis may be the remedy. There is no retention of bile, nor obstruction of the ducts, but the jaundice is due to the fact that the liver does not take from the blood the elements which go to form bile. There is present drowsiness, bitter taste, soreness , enlargement and bruised feeling in the region of the liver. Sepia has the yellow sallow face with the yellow saddle across the nose, with stools of bright yellow or ashy color. Digitalis is useful in the worst forms of jaundice if the pulse be irregular and intermittent, and if there be rapid prostration of the strength.

Myrica cerifera. [Myric]

Dose- Potency-Tincture ;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.

Myrica is an important liver remedy. There is first despondency and also jaundice due to imperfect formation of bile in the liver, and not to any obstruction, comparing here with Digitalis. There is dull headache, worse in the morning, the eyes have a dingy, dirty, yellowish hue, the tongue is coated yellow. The headache is worse in the morning. The patient is weak and complains of muscular soreness and aching in the limbs; there is slow pulse and dark urine. It is more superficial in action than Digitalis. The jaundice calling for its use is catarrhal and this is the form produced by the drug. The throat and nasal organs are filled with an offensive, tenacious mucus. Dull pain in right side below the ribs no appetite, and desire for acids; unrefreshing sleep.

Nux vomica. [Nux-m]

Dose- Potency- 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.Its effect is best,if given in the evening.

In liver affections occurring in those who have indulged to excess in alcoholic liquors, highly seasoned food, quinine, or in those who have abused themselves with purgatives, Nux is the first remedy to be thought of. The liver is swollen hard and sensitive to the touch and pressure of clothing is uncomfortable. The first remedy in cirrhosis of the liver. Colic may be present. Jaundice induced by anger also calls for Nux, also jaundice from abuse of quinine, in the former cases reminding of Chamomilla , which is an excellent remedy for biliousness of nervous, irritable women. In the enlarged liver of drunkards, Sulphur, Lachesis, Fluoric acid, Arsenic and Ammonium muriaticum must also be borne in mind, together with Nux. Juglans cinerea causes a jaundice like Nux vomica, with stitching pains about the liver and under the right scapula, bilious stools and occipital headache. Nux must be compared with China, Pulsatilla in liver affections from over-eating. Iris seems to have a solvent action upon the bile, it is especially useful in torpid liver and when gastric disorders result from perversion of hepatic and intestinal functions. Jaundice and constipation. Aloes has biliousness from torpor of the portal system, distension of the liver, bitter taste and jaundice.

Lycopodium. [Lyc]

Dose- Potency-6x; 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Higher potency is not taken too frequently.

Lycopodium acts powerfully on the liver. The region of the liver is sensitive to the touch, and there is a feeling of tension in it, a feeling as if a cord were tied about the waist. Cirrhosis. The pains are dull and aching instead of sharp and lancinating, as under Chelidonium. Fulness in the stomach after eating a small quantity. There are no real icteric symptoms, but there is a peculiar sallow complexion. Natrum sulphuricum is useful when the patient has a bad, slimy taste in the mouth and "thinks he is bilious." There is apt to be weight and aching in the liver; he can lie on that side, but on turning to the left side the liver seems to pull and draw. Natrum sulphuricum is the greatest Schuessler specific for liver affections, and clinically it has often worked well. Dr. Alfred Pope claims that Lycopodium is more useful than any other remedy in old hepatic congestions. Pain in back and right side from congestion will often yield to the remedy.

Carduus marianus. [Card-m]

Dose- Potency- Tincture;1x;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.

This remedy is indicated in jaundice with dull headache, bitter taste, white tongue with red edges, nausea and vomiting of a greenish fluid. There is an uncomfortable fullness in the region of the liver, the stools are bilious and the urine golden yellow; there is sensitiveness in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium. Burnett regards a dark brownish patch over the lower part of the sternum as a useful hint for Carduus, and in such cases he observes that both the liver and heart are at fault. The presence of "liver spots seems to be a special indication for the remedy. Biliousness following la grippe has been cured with Carduus. Hydrastis has a bitter taste and chronic torpor of the bowels, lack of appetite, coated tongue and yellow urine. Carduus resembles Aloes. Hale says that it stands between Aloes and Hamamelis in its action on the veins. It has been used in gall stone colic successfully in the tincture, and it deserves a trial before restoring to opiates.

Sulphur. [Sulph]

Dose- Potency-12x; 30;200;1M;CM : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Acts in all potencies from lowest to highest.some of the best results are obtained from higher potencies and not from the frequent doses.Chronic cases be treated with higher potency.

Sulphur is suitable to chronic affections of the liver; it increases the flow of bile and there is much pain and soreness in the liver. Sulphur often completes the cure commenced by Nux. Liver complaints from abuse of mercury will oftentimes call for Sulphur. If the stools are colorless and if much jaundice or ascites be present Sulphur is contra-indicated. Lachesis, however, has jaundice, as do all snake poisons, and is useful in the enlarged livers of drunkards, with tenderness on pressure and throbbing in the right side. Jaundice from sexual excesses call for Cinchona. Dr. Thayer, of Boston, recommended Cinchona in biliary calculi,and Dr. Williams,of Augusta has had success with Ipecac in this connection. Burnett claims that Hydrastis is the best remedy in gall-stone colic. Berberis vulgaris is also an important remedy in gall-stone affections.

Phosphorus. [Phos]

Dose- Potency-3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Should not be given too low or in too continuous doses,especially in tuberculous cases.It may act as Euthanasia here.

Phosphorus is homoeopathic to fatty degeneration of the liver, with well marked soreness and jaundice. The stools are grayish white. Cirrhosis and atrophy may also call for Phosphorus. The jaundice is indicative of organic diseases, and the remedy is a useful one in malignant diseases of the liver. Digitalis has also been recommended in acute yellow atrophy. Jaundice accompanying pneumonia may also call for Phosphorus.

Taraxacum [Tarax]

Dose- Potency-Tincture;3x : 15 drops thrice a day till amelioration is noticed.
This is a decided liver remedy, and the indications are a mapped tongue and a bitter taste in the mouth, chilliness after eating, pain and soreness in the region of the liver and bilious diarrhoea. Kali bichromicum also has a mapped tongue. Yucca filamentosa has a pain going from the upper region of the liver to the back and a bad taste in the mouth. The stools are loose and bilious, accompanied with much flatus. The face is yellow and sallow and the tongue takes the imprint of the teeth. Another remedy used in bilious troubles is Euonymus; it has intense heavy, wearing, occipital headache, the stools are deficient in bile, and it is useful in cardiac disturbance from inaction of the liver. Euonymus 2X is an admirable remedy in hepatic congestion. Dr. Wm. E. Leonard says: " In the case of torpid livers with tendency to attacks of biliary colic, it anticipates and prevents the colic." Chionanthus has biliousness, sick headache, coated tongue, nausea and complete anorexia. It is remedy highly recommended for biliary calculi. Jaundice and hepatic pain are its indications. It overcomes catarrh, liquifies the bile, prevents the formation of calculi and promotes the discharge of those already formed. Sluggish circulation in the liver with the long train of symptoms resulting therefrom are indications. Ptelea has sharp pains in right hypochondria, distress in liver and constipation

Friday, May 25, 2007



Diabetes is of primarily two types - Diabete mellitus (Type-I and Type II) and Diabetes insipidus.

What is type-I diabetes?

Type-I diabetes is sometimes called juvenile diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes. It means that your body can't make insulin. Insulin helps your body turn the sugar from the food you eat into a source of energy. Type I occurs more frequently in children and young adults, but accounts for only 5-10% of the total diabetes cases nationwide.

What is type-II diabetes?

Type-II diabetes results when insulin production is defective and tissue resistance to insulin develops. For many persons with Type- II diabetes, daily insulin supplementation is not required. Diabetes is managed by making moderate changes in diet and exercise.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease involving abnormalities in the body's ability to use sugar. Diabetes is characterized by:

Elevated blood sugars for months to years.
Both hereditary and environmental factors leading to its development and progression.
A relative or absolute deficiency of effective circulating insulin. Insulin is a substance made by the pancreas which lowers blood sugar in conjunction with meals. Diabetes is characterized by either: (1) an inability of the pancreas to produce insulin (type I or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) or an inability of insulin to exert its normal physiological actions (type II or non-insulin dependent diabetes).
Often recognized in patients and their families by excessive urination, thirst, weight loss and/or a lack of energy. But diabetes is often silent and may exist for many years without the individual's noticing it.
Effects certain "target tissues," that is, tissues which are vulnerable to the damaging effects of chronically high blood sugar levels. These target tissues are the eye, the kidney, the nerves and the large blood vessels, such as in the heart.

What is Diabetes insipidus?

A form of diabetes resulting from a deficiency of vasopressin (the pituitary hormone that regulates the kidneys); characterized by the chronic excretion of large amounts of pale dilute urine which results in dehydration and extreme thirst.

Diabetes - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines

Uranium nitrate

This remedy is praised highly by Hughes and others in diabetes originating in dyspepsia. It has polyuria, polydypsia, dryness of the mouth and skin. It causes sugar in the urine. Dr. Laning said that no remedy gives such universally good results; it lessens the sugar and quantity of the urine; he recommended the 3X trituration. It is when the disease is due to assimilative derangements that Uranium is the remedy, and symptoms such as defective digestion, languor, debility and much sugar in the urine, enormous appetite and thirst, yet the patient continues to emaciate.

Dose- Potency- 2x;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed

Syzygium jambolanum

It is a remedy capable of diminishing the amount of sugar in the urine, especially when used in the tincture and lower triturations, and some cases have been reported cured, but it cannot be considered a reliable drug , and its use seems entirely palliative.

Dose- Potency-Mother Tincture : 15-20 drops thrice daily day till amelioration is noticed.

Phosphoric acid

It corresponds to diabetes of nervous origin; the urine is increased, perhaps milky in color and containing much sugar. It suits cases due to grief, worriment and anxiety, those who are indifferent and apathetic, poor in mental and physical force. It is unquestionably curative of diabetes mellitus in the early stages, great debility and bruised feeling in the muscles. There will be loss of appetite, sometimes unquenchable thirst and perhaps the patient will be troubled with boils. When patients pass large quantities of pale colorless urine or where there is much phosphatic deposit in the urine, it is the remedy.

Hering considered Plumbum one of the most important remedies in diabetes mellitus.

Causticum, Scilla and Strophanthus may be of use in diabetes insipidus.

Dose- Potency- 1x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.


It cured a case in a weary, wretched patient; emaciated, increased appetite and great thirst; pale, profuse urine.

Dose- Potency-6x; 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Higher potency is not taken too frequently.


Useful in diabetes and pancreatic diseases, especially in those of a tuberculous or gouty diathesis. The pancreatic involvement will call attention to Phosphorus.

Dose- Potency 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Too low potency should not be used and too continuously.

Natrum sulphuricum

It corresponds to the hydrogenoid constitution, with dry mouth and throat, and Arsenicum should be studied in diabetic gangrene, thirst and emaciation. Sudden and extreme dryness of the mouth and marked physical restlessness are also guiding symptoms to this remedy, especially with a dark watery stool. Dr. P.Jousset reports positive success where the mouth is dry; frequent, abundant urination and tendency to skin eruption.

Hinsdale reports good results with this remedy. It has polyuria, intense itching of the skin, especially upon the upper surface of the thighs. It is the Tissue Remedy of diabetes.

Dose- Potency-3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily till amelioration is noticed.

Lactic acid

An exceedingly good remedy in the gastrohepatic variety of diabetes and good results often follow its use. It has a fine clinical record. The symptoms are: urinates copiously and freely, urine light yellow and saccharine, thirst, nausea, debility, voracious appetite and costive bowels. Dry skin, dry tongue, gastralgia.

Dose- Potency- 3x; 30 : Ten drops in a small glass of water in acute gastro-enteritus(Cartier).

Acetic acid

It is also a valuable diabetic remedy, and it has passing of large quantities of pale urine, intense thirst, hot, dry skin and marked debility .Carbolic acid may also be found useful.

Dose- Potency- 3x;30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day.Not to be repeated too often,except in croup.


No remedy has dryness of the lips as a symptom of hepatic disorder more marked than Bryonia, and this is often one of the first symptom of diabetes. There is a persistent bitter taste, the patient is languid, morose and dispirited, thirst may not be extreme nor the appetite voracious, the patient may lose strength through inability to eat.

Dose- Potency-6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily till amelioration is noticed.


It has a bitter taste, but the tongue is flabby. It may be of use in the disease.

Dose- Potency-Tincture;6x; 30;200;1M : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice daily.The 200th and 1000th seem to do good work in cholera infantum,when indicated.


It is a remedy used by the Eclectic School upon the indications of thirst, frequent and copious urine; constipation with stools light colored, devoid of bile. Functional liver disorders.

Dose- Potency- Tincture;1x : 15 drops of tincture a day twice a day.8-10 granules a day twice.

Argentum metallicum

Hahnemann suggests the use of this remedy in diuresis, it is decided use in diabetes insipidus. The urine is profuse, turbid and of sweet odor. Micturition is frequent and copious.

Dose- Potency -6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day.Not too frequent repeatition.


Long before the discovery of Insulin, Dr.Pierre Jousset prepared a pancreatic juice on a glycerine basis ,which he administered to diabetic patients in doses of 10 or 20 drops a day in water and had results sufficiently good to consider pancreatic juice, orally administered, as a remedy of great value in diabetes. Dr. Cartier, his practical successor, praised it insisted on smaller doses given by mouth as larger doses and hypodermic injections of it had no effect in ordinary diabetes. Baker advises the homoeopathic strengths of Insulin 3 to 30th and reports happy results therefrom. Great care must be taken not to overdose. Boericke says that it maintains the blood sugar at a normal level and the urine remains free of sugar. Epileptic convulsions and mental derangements have been produced by hypodermic use of this hormone.

Dose- Potency -3x;30 : 8-10 granules or 10 to 20 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.


Common Cold

If you are finding that you are having more than two colds a year, it would be advised to seek help from a professional homeopath to strengthen your immune system. Homeopathy emphasises treating the underlying imbalance in the immune system rather than simply fighting the infection--although in the moment, fighting the infection may be the priority.

The following remedies may offer symptomatic relief so long as the remedy you choose is well indicated for your individual symptom picture.







Comes on suddenly.

Fearful, restless, cheeks hot and red.

First stage of cold. Caused by exposure to cold dry winds

Sudden dry painful cough/croup watery mucous, sweats on uncovered parts. High fever with sensitivity to light. Thirsty, watery runny nose, possible bright red nose bleed.

Fresh open air, sleep

Warm stuffy room

In the evening and at night

Lying on affected side. Irritated by music, dry,

cold winds.

Allium cepa

Profuse, bland, watery discharge from eyes. Nasal discharge is profuse and burning. Warm rooms aggravate, better in open air.

Eyes run but the discharge is usually bland

Violent sneezing.

Mucous burns/corrodes top lip. Tickle in larynx, hoarseness, hacking cough worse breathing in cold air

desires onions

Fresh air


Cold air.

Stuffy room.

Getting feet wet.

Arsenicum album

Complaints are usually right-sided. Watery, burning nasal discharge. Restlessness, weakness, anxiety, thirsty for sips at frequent intervals, chilly, desires company.

Right nostril burns/corrodes top lip watery thin discharge, but nose feels blocked. Excessive sneezing, Irritation, tickling of the nose. Cold might move to chest.

Heat, elevated head,

Warm drinks, company

Wet, windy weather.

Midnight to 2am. Sight or smell of food.


First stage of cold, sudden onset,

high fever, red face, cold extremeties, throbbing pains, patient radiates heat.

Skin hot, dry with high temperature
Throbbing headache, very thirsty or not thirsty at all

sore throat on right side

Tickly throat, light hurts eyes
Eyes glassy
Eyes dilated

delirious in high fever
dry barking cough
desires lemons or lemonade

Sitting upright or standing.

In warm room

Jarring, movement,

Noise, drafts.

From lying down.

After 12noon,


Bryonia alba

A Cold slow to develop, painful coughs--patient holds chest when he coughs; worse from slightest movement, dry mucus membranes and very thirsty, worse for company, worse for having to answer questions, very irritable, wants to be alone.

Better for being still and quiet.

cold moves into chest. A painful, dry, spasmodic cough. Left-sided headache, otherwise, right-sided complaints.

From applying firm, cool pressure to head and chest.

In cool surroundings

For movement.

Bright lights.

Eating, noise

and touch

9pm and 3pm.


Worse from damp and cold/damp weather, worse from change of weather, worse from drafts.

Thick saliva and hoarse voice

Possible cold sores

Thirst for cold drinks

Post-nasal drip, lumbago or an Earache, watery diarrhea

warm, dry air.


For rest.

At night.

Cold, damp weather


The opposite of Allium Cepa: Nasal discharge is bland; discharge from the eyes is burning. Cough only in the daytime.

Copious fluid from nose

Bursting sensation as sinuses fill. At night little pains all over body. Heat/fever descends the body, sweats only on front.

Later symptoms, chilliness, loose violent cough, pressing pain under sternum.

Lying down in darkened room but may feel more blocked up.

For coffee

From warm, windy weather. Being indoors.

In the evening.

Bright light.

Ferrum phos.

A cold that comes on slowly. Beginning of colds when symptoms are vague. Right-sided complaints.

Mild fever may be present

Mouth feels hot.

Throat is red and swollen.

Possible nose bleeds.

Gentle exercise.

Applying a cold compress to the forehead.

For fresh air.

In the Sun.

For jarring or touch. Lying on right side. Between

4am& 6pm


Cold comes on gradually. Patient's appearance: dopey, drowsy, droopy and dull. You could also add dizzy! Inclination to sleep. Apathetic. Weakness, chills run up and down back, headache starts in back of head or neck and spreads forward, heavy head, thirstless.

Tiredness, heavy body sensation. Headache above nape of neck. Tickling in nose gets worse. Later running nose, watery and irritating

Fresh air.


After urinating.

Bending forward, sweating.

Drinking alcohol.

Before thunderstorm.

Early in the morning and last thing at night.


Tobacco smoke.

Hepar sulph

Over-sensitive to pain; anxiety, irritable, angry outbursts, chilly and worse from cold, intolerant of drafts, worse uncovering a hand or a foot, swollen glands, bad odor of discharges, splinter-like pains.

Cold starts with watery runny nose. Later, excessive yellow mucous with offensive-smelling discharge and sneezing. Irritability and chilliness.

For wrapping

head firmly.

Warm, moist environment.

In cold air, draughts.

Getting cold from undressing.

If touched.

Kali bichrom

Second stage of cold.

Thick, yellow, ropy, stringy nasal discharge. Sinusitis.

Thick post-nasal drip.

Thick mucous may block nose.

yellow or green discharge with postnasal drip. Sinus headaches, pressure pain at root of nose.

From warmth

In the morning.

Hot weather

Getting cold from undressing.

Natrum mur

Beginning stages of a cold with sneezing. "Egg-white" nasal discharge. Runny eyes worse in open air or wind. Sun and light aggravate. Warm, worse heat. Cold sores on lips, vesicles in mouth, cracked lips, ailments from grief.

Wants to be left alone.

A dislike for sympathy.

Cold starts with fits of sneezing and a thin catarrhal discharge consistency of the white of a raw egg. Nose maybe blocked with tendency towards developing cold sores.

Applying cold compresses to the sinuses.


Fresh open air

In sea air or wet weather. Mental, physical exertion. Around 10am. Bright light or hot sun. Noise, talking, music.

Nux vomica

Cold, chills, worse slightest draft of air, ailments from over-work, irritable and angry, impatient; runny nose in the morning, obstructed at night; stomach pains, better warm drinks, constipation with ineffectual urging.

Runny nose during the day

blocked at night.

Overcritical of others, impulsive,

chilliness, watery eyes,

sneezing, headache,

sore throat



Firm pressure,

in the evening.

Washing and

warm compresses

Windy, Cold, dry weather. In public places. After over-indulgence of spicy foods

and stimulants such as coffee.


3am & 4am.


Patient is weepy and wants to be consoled. Warm and worse heat, worse sun, better walking slowly in open air, worse warm stuffy rooms, dry mouth but no thirst, worse at twilight, worse from fatty foods; bland and often greenish nasal discharge

Possible nose bleeds

runny nose during the day,

blocked nose at night

thirstless, loss of smell

Headache above eyes

Crying and Sympathy.

Exercise and

fresh open air.

Cold drinks, cold compresses.

Raising hands above the head.

Rich, fatty foods.

Heat, In the sun.

In the evening and at night.

Rhus tox.

Second stage of cold

Congested nose and scratchy throat. Worse cold and cold wet weather. Better warmth and warm bathing. Stiffness and restlessness. Desires cold milk. Worse in cloudy, foggy, rainy weather; worse getting wet. Can't be still, must move.

Thick, yellow/green nasal discharge with a red scratchy throat, dry cough, tickling, hoarseness. Cough prevents sleep

From warmth, hot bathing.

>From motion.

For changing positions.

Cough worse in cold room.

Cold, wet, rainy weather.

During sleep.


Constipation is passage of small amounts of hard, dry bowel movements, usually fewer than three times a week. People who are constipated may find it difficult and painful to have a bowel movement. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish.

Constipation - CAUSE

Common causes of constipation are

-Not enough fibre in the diet.
-Not enough liquids.
-Lack of exercise.
-Irritable bowl syndrome.
-Changes in life or routine such as pregnancy,older age and travel.
-Abuse of laxatives
-Ignoring the urge to have a bowl movement.
-Specific diseases such as stroke
-Problems with the colon and rectum
-Problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation)

Constipation - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines

Nux vomica

Nux vomica has peculiar and characteristic indications for constipation –“wants to but can’t.” is a phrase that brings Nux Vomica to mind.This remedy is often useful to people ,who are impatient,tense, and ambitious- who work too hard and exercise too little,indulge in stimulants or alcohol, and are partial to sweets and spicy food.In many cases of inveterate constipation, Nux prescribed in low potency will frequently relieve constipation, but to cure it, the drug must be given in a much higher potency.

The mental symptoms of Nux are important in treating constipation, for the effect that constipation has upon the minds of some people is well known. In cases indicating Nux vomica there will be a great crossness, irascibility and objection to all opposition. The Nux stool is also apt to be large, and haemorrhoids are a frequent accompaniment. We may sum up Nux vomica by calling again the attention to the mental characteristics, the sedentary temperament,the fitful intestinal action and its antidotal relation to purgative drugs. Dr. Cartier says: "Nux vomica should never be given in constipation according to the law of similars in the low attenuations, or in the mother tincture. An opposite effect will be produced thereby, an augmentation of the spasmodic state of the intestines; the higher the dilution the better the chance success. Nor should it be too often repeated."

Dose- Potency- 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.Its effect is best,if given in the evening.


It is useful after the abuse of purgatives, laxatives, cathartics and their like. In all these cases, however, the symptoms calling for the respective drug should be present. Hughes claims it to be superior to Nux as usually prescribed. He recommends a drop or two of the tincture in water once daily before breakfast. Hydrastis has a symptom, however, which is quite characteristic, that is a sinking, gone feeling at the epigastrium, which Nux vomica does not have to any extent. Carbo vegetabilis has urging, but it is due to wind, while Opium and Bryonia have no urging at all. According to d'Espiney, the physical signs of this inharmonious intestinal action can be felt by palpating the abdominal walls. Anacardium resembles Nux vomica in many ways. It has a sensation of a plug in the rectum which cannot be expelled. There is a fitful intestinal activity, but withal a powerlessness of the rectum. Even soft stools are expelled with difficulty. Small quantities may be expelled with each attempt.

Dose- Potency-Mother Tincture; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.


Many of the older homoeopaths used to give Sulphur and Nux vomica in alteration for constipation. They complement each other, follow each other well, but better results will be obtained, if each be given singly when indicated; for, surely, both cannot be indicated at once. With Sulphur there is an ineffectual urging to stool, with a sensation of heat and discomfort in the rectum , and there is a general uneasy feeling all through the intestinal tract, due to abdominal plethora or passive portal congestion. It is very useful remedy with which to commence the treatment of constipation, though, unless the symptoms call for it, it should not be given. A bad constitution and frequent ill health are good indications to start with, a tendency to piles is another. The stools are hard, dark, dry, and expelled with great straining, the first effort to stool being extremely painful. There is apt to be much twitching and burning of the anus, the evacuation are often unsatisfactory, and, as in Nux, there is often a sensation, as if a part remained behind. Another characteristic symptom of Sulphur is constipation alternating with diarrhoea.People who need this remedy are often “Characters” with interesting mental notions,slouching postures ,and very little interest in tidiness.The general venous system is usually at fault in true Sulphur cases, and anything that stimulates this system into action, such as exercise and cold, always benefits the Sulphur patient. Sulphur needs to be given in high potency and not continued for any length of time .

Dose- Potency-12x; 30;200;1M;CM : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Acts in all potencies from lowest to highest.some of the best results are obtained from higher potencies and not from the frequent doses.Chronic cases be treated with higher potency.


While the constipation of Nux is due to irregularity of intestinal action, that of Opium is due to absolute inaction of the intestines, a regular paralysis of the peristaltic movement. There is an absence of desire, absolutely no urging to stool whatever, and so the faeces become impacted in the bowels; and when passed at all come in little, hard, dry, black balls, here resembling the stool of Plumbum , but with Plumbum there is some activity. Another drug which has no urging to stool is Bryonia, but here the lack of urging is rather due to dryness of the mucous membrane than to intestinal inactivity; with Opium there is a want of sensibility throughout the intestinal tract, and consequently the constipation is not apt to inconvenience the patient, hence it is apt to go on getting worse until the attention is called to it by the flatus accumulating in the upper part of the intestines. Where the faeces require artificial means for their removal, this remedy should be thought of, though Selenium, Alumina, Plumbum or Bryonia may be used in this condition. Diminished secretions are also characteristic of Opium , so that dryness intestinal inactivity, is one of the causes of constipation of old people; the patient is drowsy and dizzy.

Dose- Potency -3x;30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .


So we have urging to stool, and accompanying this urging is a colic with a marked retraction of the abdominal walls. The stool is passed with the greatest difficulty and consists of little round balls, which are black, dry and hard, and there is accompanying, a marked spasm of the sphincter ani, which is apt to be painful. The anus feels ,as if drawn upward. With this drug, there is loss of muscular activity and diminished secretion of intestinal glands. Thus we see that the indications for Plumbum in constipation are concise and precise.

Dose- Potency-3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.


Chief among remedies for constipation due to dryness of the intestinal tract stands Alumina. There is diminished peristaltic movement and complete inertia of the rectum, so that we have the symptom, soft stool expelled with difficulty. There is little or no urging to stool. The stools may be hard and knotty like sheep dung, or may be soft. It is one of our most useful remedies in constipation of children where the rectum is dry, inflamed and bleeding about the orifice. Alumina differs from Bryonia chiefly in the state of rectal inactivity. A dry mouth and an irritated looking tongue may lead to the selection of Alumina. There is much straining with the remedy and the stool is passed in very small quantities , piecemeal, so to speak. If the characteristics of Alumina are prominent in a given case, they may be due to the use of aluminum ware in cooking.


The large-hard-dry-stool-as-if-burnt of Bryonia is familiar to all of our Medical School. The constipation of the drug is due to dryness and there is no urging. With Bryonia, the stools are passed with a great deal of difficulty, owing to an atony of the intestines similar to Veratrum album and Opium. Bryonia cures constipation ,where not only the intestinal secretions are diminished, but the muscular action as well.The person feel grouchy or out of sorts, and may be tense from business-related worries. Constipation in young children, according to Hughes, is frequently cured by Bryonia 30th. It is said to act better in rheumatic subjects and in summer. The mental condition of irritability and ill-humor will often be present as a concommitant of the Bryonia constipation. Older writers alternated Bryonia and Nux vomica with success in very obstinate cases.

Dose- Potency-6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily till amelioration is noticed.

Natrum muriaticum

The characteristic constipated stool of Natrum muriaticum is a hard and crumbly one; the rectum is dry, the stool is hard to expel and causes bleeding, smarting and soreness in the rectum. There is ineffectual urging to stool,with stitches in the rectum. It sometimes comes in the most obstinate cases, which are accompanied by hypochondriasis. . In constipation of young people, who are subjected to acne and comedos, Natrum muriaticum should be thought of.

Dose- Potency 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.The very highest potencies often yield most brilliant results.And in infrequent doses.

Magnesia muriatica

It has characteristically a constipation in which the stools are passed with great difficulty, being composed of hard lumps like sheep dung, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus.

Dose- Potency-Tincture;3x; 200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.

Ammonium muriaticum

It has this same symptom of dry and crumbly stools, they may also be coated externally with mucus.

Dose- Potency-3x;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily for one week.


Like Nux, Lycopodium has a sensation after stool, as if something remained behind. Constipation, due to constriction of the rectum, calls for this remedy, and here it reminds one of Silicea. The constipation , too, is apt to be associated with the stool. The stools are dry and hard, or the first part hard, the last soft. In the constipation of children and pregnant women, it often finds a place, and it is here praised by Hartmann. A great deal of rumbling in the abdomen following the stool is an additional indication. Nux and Lycopodium may be easily distinguished , though each has ineffectual urging to stool. In Nux, as ,we have seen, this is due to irregular peristaltic action, while with Lycopodium, it is due to a constriction of the rectum. The mental symptoms here, too, are of the utmost importance; the depression, the melancholy and the apprehension are characteristic.

Dose- Potency- Tincture;6x; 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day for one week.Tincture can be given thrice daily.


Graphites is one of our best remedies in constipation, if Homoeopathy can be said to have "best remedies". With this drug there is no urging. The patient sometimes goes days without a stool, and when it does come it is composed of little round balls, knotted together with shreds of mucus and accompanied with great pain when passing, owing to the fissure. These fissures, as well as the haemorrhoids which accompany them, burn, smart and itch intolerably. Excessive soreness of the anus in making the post defecation toilet is an indication for its use. Aching of the anus after stool is also characteristic of Graphites, and sometimes we have with the drug ineffectual urging. The mucus-coated stool, the extreme soreness of the anus, the general Graphites temperament of sadness and obesity, will easily decide for the remedy. Graphites suits especially women who suffer from a neglect to attend promptly to nature's call.

Dose- Potency- 6x;30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day daily .Locally as a cerate,in sore nipples.


With Platina, there is torpor of the whole intestinal tract, unsuccessful urging to stool and great dryness of the rectum. The stools seem to adhere to the rectum like glue or putty. There is great weakness in the abdomen and a sensation, as if there were a load in the rectum ,which could not be expelled. It is considered a remedy for the constipation of emigrants and travelers, so it would seem to find an additional indication, where the trouble was brought on by change in manner of living. It is also a remedy for the constipation due to lead poisoning. There is frequent urging, scanty, dry stool and great abdominal weakness. As under Ignatia, there are sharp stitches in the rectum.

Dose- Potency- 6x; 30 : 8-10granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed


When constipation is due to inefficient expulsive force of the rectum and a spasmodic condition of the sphincter then Silicea is our remedy. With this condition, we have a condition ,where the sphincter suddenly contracts and the partially expelled stool recedes. People who need this remedy are nervous and mentally acute,but also chilly,physically frail and easily fatigued.

Dose- Potency-6x; 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily for 2-3 weeks.The higher potency are of unquestioned activity.In malignant affections,the lowest potency is needed at times.


It has constipation due to powerlessness of the rectum, so that the patient almost stands in order to enable him to get sufficient power to expel the stool, but the spasmodic condition of Silicea is absent. As with Graphites, Silicea has a great deal of soreness about the anus, also an oozing of moisture. There is urging to stool and a sensation, as if faeces remained in the rectum.When it finally emerges,the stool will be narrow and full of mucous.

Dose- Potency-3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.In chronic ailments and specially in paralytic states,the higher potencies once or twice a week.

Veratrum album

One of our greatest diarrhoea remedies, it has a marked effect in the treatment of constipation. The symptoms calling for its use, are as follows: There is complete atony of the intestines, as under Bryonia and Opium. The faeces accumulate in large masses in into a sweat; but finally has to give it up, and the faeces have to be removed by artificial means. There are extreme cases ,where the patient is able to force a passage for himself; the stools are large, hard and black. As with the diarrhoea there may be faintness after the stool. Dunham speaks of the constipation of Veratrum as one characterized by a disposition to stool in the upper part of the intestinal canal and an indisposition to stool in the lower part. Dr. Bryce claims that it will bring stool quickest of any medicine I ever tried." He used 3x. It comes in very well after Nux vomica, especially in constipation of children. Podophyllum 12th has proved of use in constipation of children.Phosphorus has a constipation of long slender stools voided with much straining.

Dose- Potency-1x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day thrice daily till amelioration is noticed